
AGROPLUS-MALI is specialized in the packaging, sorting, storage and fruits and vegetables exportation in the European and African market. Especially, we export fresh mango and sweet potato orange flesh plenty of beta carotene; we respectively have Kent, Amélie and Keith varieties of mangoes and Covington variety of sweet potato. Agroplus-Mali has an attentive, qualified and faithful staff.


AGROPLUS-MALI was established in 2017 to export fruits and vegetables in the European and African market. Located in Sikasso, in half day journey to Abidjan port the nearest from Mali and in the most powerful basin of mango, sweet potato and potato production in Mali. Agroplus-Mali manages more than 1000 growers and planters that it certifies their productions. The choice to build our packinghouse on the road of Ivory Coast offers us an inevitable advantage in term of logistics and transportation for any fruits and vegetable exporter from Mali. We have 450m² of packing room and almost 250m3 of cooling room. Agroplus-Mali has a dynamic and young staff mostly composed of women with strengthen experiences in packaging, sorting, hygienic and food safety.